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Mimir is currently not running/compatible with latest version of Tyle backend (Mimirorg.Authentication). Due to Mimirs transitional state and old IMF model. Therefore, parts of this installation guide will be deprecated.

Where Can I Find the Code?

The code for Mimir, Tyle and the component-library can be found here under the mimir-org repository. The project can be cloned to your machine with<repository>.git via SSH or gh repo clone mimir-org/<repository> with GitHub CLI.

git clone

The file structure after cloning the repos could look something like this:

📁 mimirorg (this can be renamed to whatever you want)
├── 📁 component-library
│ └── 📁 etc
├── 📁 mimir
│ └── 📁 etc
└── 📁 tyle
└── 📁 etc



Mimir database is named ModelBuilder

  1. Download and install Docker.
  2. Create a new .yaml file and paste the following code.
version: "3.8"

image: ""
hostname: 'mssql'
container_name: mssql
- ''
- mssql:/var/opt/mssql
- MSSQL_PID=Standard
- type_library_network
restart: unless-stopped

driver: local

driver: bridge
  1. Place this yaml file as shown below:
📁 mimirorg (this can be renamed to whatever you want)
├── 📁 component-library
│ └── 📁 etc
├── 📁 mimir
│ └── 📁 etc
├── 📁 tyle
│ └── 📁 etc
└── 🐋 docker-compose.yaml
  1. Then run the docker-compose file from the command line. Use docker-compose up -d from the folder where the file is located.
  2. Once it is up and running, you should be able to access the database using our database management application of choice:
- DataSource=mssql
- Host=localhost
- Port=1433
- User=sa
- Password=P4ssw0rd1
Docker container list
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                            COMMAND                   CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                           NAMES
d914b6d4d538 "/opt/mssql/bin/sqls…" 9 seconds ago Up 7 seconds>1433/tcp mssql

If you are unfamiliar using docker command line tool. An option is to use the docker desktop application to manage docker containers.


Mimir depends on Tyle`s Mimirorg.Authentication so Tyle server needs to run in order to run both Mimir server and client.

App settings

Before we can run mimir server you need to create a local app settings file. Because of gitignore this file need to be named appsettings.local.json. Use the existing appsettings.json file combined with the environment variables section in the introduction page. This step must also be done for tyle server, for more information see the tyle setup guide.

Path to where the file should be created:

  • src/service/ModelBuilder.Api/appsettings.local.json

Run locally

  1. Mimir server and Tyle server are .NET applications, so you need to build them before you can run them. This can be done via the IDE or using the command line as shown below. The dotnet run command builds and runs the applications.
dotnet run <project name>
  1. Mimir client is a React application using NPM. So navigate to the client folder and run this command to install all node moduels required:
npm i
  1. Then you run the build command followed by the start command to launch the application.
npm run build
npm run start

After setup is complete

Disable SSO logon

To disable SSO for local development navigate to the .env file path: src/client/.env. And set REACT_APP_SILENT=true.

Mimir frontend and Yalc

If you don't want to reference your local copy of the component library directly in your package.json you can use Yalc. Yalc is a way to connect npm package development with the dev environment. It allows us to develop components in the component-library and dynamically update them locally so that you don't have to release a new package on npm for every code change.

1. Install Yalc

First, you need to install Yalc globally on your machine:

npm install -g yalc

2. Publish the Component Library to Yalc

Navigate to the "component-library" directory and publish the package to Yalc's local store:

cd path/to/component-library
yalc publish

3. Add the Component Library to the Mimir Project

Now, navigate to the "mimir" project directory and add the "component-library" package using Yalc:

cd path/to/mimir
yalc add component-library

If you want to reflect the changes in the "component-library" instantly in the "mimir" project, you can use the yalc link command:

cd path/to/component-library
yalc link mimir

5. Push Updates (Optional)

Whenever you make changes to the "component-library," you can push the updates to the "mimir" project using:

yalc push

6. Remove the Component Library (Optional)

If you want to remove the "component-library" from the "mimir" project and revert to the NPM version, you can use:

cd path/to/mimir
yalc remove component-library

7. Update the Component Library (Optional)

To update the "component-library" in the "mimir" project with the latest version from Yalc's local store, you can use:

cd path/to/mimir
yalc update component-library

I need to clean up my local database, how can I do this?

ModelBuilder kill script

--Script som kobler fra alt og alle som er tilkoblet
--Deretter slettes databasen
USE [master];
DECLARE @kill varchar(8000) = '';
SELECT @kill = @kill + 'kill ' + CONVERT(varchar(5), session_id) + ';'
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
WHERE database_id = db_id('ModelBuilder')
CREATE Database ModelBuilder
INSERT INTO [ModelBuilder].[dbo].[CollaborationPartner] VALUES ('Aibel', '', 0, '');
--USE master
--xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'Server is listening on'